Customer-oriented innovative material and product development is at the core of our group. The broad expertise of our developers in raw materials is just as important as the manufacturing and application know-how of our engineers in production and service.
In the technical industry (steel, wood, mechanical engineering and others), the Sauer brand stands for competence, quality and reliability. Our proprietary materials, developed in our own laboratories, are characterized by outstanding mechanical strength, durability and chemical resistance, among other things.
The development and distribution of rollers and roller covers for the printing industry is one of our core competencies. Our development work in our in-house laboratories is uncompromisingly focused on achieving the highest quality results. This has led us to develop unique, high-quality materials.
In addition to graphic and technical rollers, our product portfolio also includes a range of related products such as roller cores, servicing and bearing seat repairs.
Innovative material and product development in the field of roller technology
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Research & Development
Innovative material and product development in the field of roller technology
Our highly qualified research and development department always has our customers' requirements in mind.
Your partner for rollers
We have been designing and producing coatings for rollers for various applications for more than 120 years. Our experience and expertise make us a reliable partner for our customers.
Highest quality
Als ISO-zertifiziertes Unternehmen garantieren wir Ihnen aus unserem reichhaltigen Portfolio wertige Produkte in allerhöchster Qualität.
Highest quality
As an ISO-certified company, we guarantee you products of the very highest quality from our extensive portfolio.
Competent advice
Unser Personal ist absolut fachkompetent und berät unsere Kunden auch bei sehr anspruchsvollen Themenstellungen.
Competent advice
Our staff are highly competent in their field and advise our customers even on very demanding topics.
Our own truck fleet
Wir verlassen uns auf unseren eigenen Fuhrpark. So sind wir sicher, dass unsere Walzen gut bei Ihnen ankommen.
Our own truck fleet
We rely on our own fleet of vehicles. This way, we can be sure that our rollers reach you safely.
Delivery date accuracy
Die Produktion unserer Kunden hängt oft von unseren rechtzeitigen Lieferungen ab. Wir wissen das und halten uns an Termine.
Delivery date accuracy
Our customers' production often depends on our timely deliveries. We are aware of this and meet deadlines.
Discover Sauer
About Sauer
The foundation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.
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