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Cigarette industry
Unsere Walzen und Rollen für die Zigarettenindustrie
The global consumption of cigarettes remains a trillion-dollar business. The market demands ever-increasing quantities, while quality expectations continue to rise. Cigarette production machines—first introduced in 1880—have been continuously optimized over time. Today, production volumes are thousands of times higher than those of the early machines.
Dieser Werkstoff findet Anwendung bei:
Inking rollers
More than 120 years of experience in the development of roller coatings form the backbone of the rubber rollers, whose excellent properties make them ideal for sheet-fed offset printing. Our inking rollers are characterized by the following properties:
Very dimensionally stable
Short washing times
Low spoilage
onstanter Farbtransport
Dampening application roller
We have developed coatings for our dampening roller, which is the ideal counterpart to the inking roller.
Dimensionally stable
Stable production run
Low spoilage
Suitable for conventional printing
eeignet für den UV-Druck
Suitable for mixed operation
Dipping and metering roller
Our product family for a high-quality printing process is completed by our dipping and metering rollers. The various rollers in the dampening unit are matched to each other and guarantee you a convincing print result. The properties of the dipping and metering rollers:
Dimensionally stable
Minimal roller adjustment
Low spoilage
Your benefits at a glance
High dimensional stability
Sehr gute Farb- und Feuchtübertragung
Stabile Farbe im Fortdruck
Less adjustment effort
Long Life Cycles
Bei diesen Weiterentwicklungen waren und sind wir mit unseren Walzen und Rollen langjähriger, erfahrener Partner der großen Maschinenhersteller und der namhaften Zigarettenproduzenten und leisten somit unseren Beitrag zur Optimierung von Produktion und Maschine.

Mit uns kooperieren Sie mit einem kompetenten und erfahrenen Partner – angefangen von der Zigarettenproduktion bis hin zur Zigarettenverpackung.

Unsere individuell auf Ihr Unternehmen modifizierten Walzen und Rollen sind beschichtet mit unseren im eigenen Haus entwickelten Werkstoffen: Gummi, Silikon und Polyurethan.
This material is used for:
  • Varnishing rollers
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.
  • Varnishing rollers
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.
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This material is used for:
  • Varnishing rollers
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.
  • Varnishing rollers
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy.
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We are working on providing you with comprehensive information about our roller solutions shortly. Precision-engineered and tailored to the specific requirements of various industries, our rollers ensure maximum efficiency and durability in your production processes.
Check back soon to learn more about how our rollers can optimize your manufacturing.
Do you need information or personalized advice right away? Feel free to contact us – we are happy to assist you!
© Copyright 2025 Paul Sauer Walzenfabriken GmbH & Co. KG
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